Grant Lira

Mar 27 2024

Grant Lira

You know content is important but don’t have the time or you don’t know exactly what to say.

That’s why we book you on 3 podcasts/mo where you’ll receive 15 DFY short-form videos each month created from your podcast appearances. We’ll also place you in 3 press features/mo on top of that!

You just have to show up for the podcasts and answer the host’s questions about you and your business (this takes about 3 hours a month).

We will also help you leverage your content, podcasts, and press properly so your salespeople can close at a higher %, you can generate more appointments, and change more of a premium for your services.

Interested? We are raising our service by 22 % on April 15th, but if we chat before then, you’ll be locked in at our current amount. We can chat here:


PS – I will not see your response so if you have a question, book a time to chat (:

N6565 Shorewood Hills Rd. Lake Mills WI, 53551
Email with your website to “unsub” meaning you will not hear from me again.